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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Reluctant Vampire by Lynsay Sands

An Argeneau Novel #15
Author: Lynsay Sands
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*

Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Avon; Original edition (May 31, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0061894591
ISBN-13: 978-0061894596


Has this immortal finally met her match? 

Rogue hunter Drina Argenis (from the Spanish side of the Argeneau family) has been many things in her years as an immortal, but bodyguard/babysitter to a teenage vampire is something new. There's an incentive, however: the other vampsitter, Harper Stoyan, may be Drina's life mate. 

Trouble is, having just lost a life mate, Harper is resigned to being alone. He's completely unprepared when sexy and unpredictable Drina bursts into his life to reignite his passions. Can Drina, with a little matchmaking help from their teen charge, tempt this reluctant vampire to take a chance? 

Or will a dangerous, unseen renegade kill Drina and Harper's one chance at happiness?


Finally! Another Argeneau Novel to quench my thirst for a little while.  I am a HUGE fan of this author.  She knows I stalk her website and own every novel in the series including the ones with the original covers!  I have begged and pleaded for her to make me the life mate of Bricker in one of her books.  I have interviewed her several times on the blog and even hosted a reading challenge featuring her books.  So it is no surprise that when the publisher sent me this book for review, I moved it to the top of the pile to read first!

In the latest installment we get to meet Harper again.  He has been keeping a low profile since the death of his first "life mate" Jenny.  When Drina arrives to help watch over Stephanie, Harper finds himself attracted to her in a way he never felt with Jenny.  Together they work together in trying to not only keep Stephanie safe, but also discover the second chance at love that Harper didn't expect.

While I enjoyed the story, this is not one of my favorite books in the series.  To be honest, Harper never really made an impact on me enough to be anxious for his story.  He was sweet and romantic, but he was just okay in the sex appeal department.  Drina had a hot streak in her that could put a Jalapeno pepper to shame! She is not one that is going to take Harper's pity party lying down!  She is excited to have found a life mate and she intends to make sure Harper knows it as well! Even though they were a good fit together, I just couldn't connect with their romance like I have done with the others.  I didn't like the forced feel to it that the author brought this time around.

I did enjoy seeing familiar faces again though in this book.  We get to see Anders, Beau, Tiny and even Teddy again.  Lucien even makes an appearance and steals the small scene that he is in with his bossy, yet sexy, personality.  I love when an author brings back past characters and reminds us that they still have some story to tell long after their book is over.  The author also brings her usual witty and laugh out loud humor to the book that quickly made me a fan of her writing.

Overall, I felt this book to be a good book to pass the time with.  Not much happens story wise, but the characters were fun to read about.  Still a great book to read if you are a fan of the author and the series.  Not one to miss if you are looking to continue reading the Argeneau series.  Now, if you will excuse me, I really must go back to stalking the authors web page and emailing her about Brickers book which includes me as his life mate. 


Very Good! I would recommend this book!



Monday, May 30, 2011

CONTEST: The Billionaire's Unexpected Heir by Kathie Denosky

By Kathie DeNosky

Becoming the new owner of Hickory Hills Thoroughbred farm was not in billionaire Jake Garnier's plans. Becoming a father was even more unimaginable. For his new business came with one Heather McGwire, ranch manager…and mother to Jake's secret child.

After barely surviving his own father's desertion, Jake knew he couldn't walk away from his responsibilities. Marriage seemed the only solution. Yet Heather wouldn't settle for simple sweet talk and seduction. If Jake wanted a real family, he'd have to saddle up for the long ride.


Thanks to Harlequin Ambassadors, I have three copies to giveaway!
Three books = THREE WINNERS!

  1. To enter, please leave a comment with an email to contact you with.
  2. Entrants must be 13 years of age or older
  3. Contest deadline is June 4th, 2011
  4. Contest open to USA only!

Memorial Day Wishes

Just wanted to wish everyone a safe Memorial Day Holiday.
After my family enjoys the festivities today celebrating those men and women who have fought for our country, I will be posting a contest.  

Stay Safe everyone!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

IMM: In My Mailbox (37)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren

With all my kids getting out of school in the coming week, reviews have become scarce here on the blog.  I have a ton written up, I just keep forgetting to post them!  I plan on scheduling them all for posting tomorrow though just in case I get to busy with graduations and such.
Here is what showed up in my mailbox this week!



The Billionaires Unexpected Heir by Kathie DeNosky (5 copies)
Insatiable by Meg Cabot
I received 5 copies of the one book to host a giveaway with, so stay tuned this week for that!
Thank you to HarperCollins and Harlequin Ambassadors
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead (ARC)
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (ARC)
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor (ARC)
Legend by Marie Lu (ARC)

The wonderful and sweet Eleni from La Femme Readers was such a sweetheart!  I had asked her a while back to pick me up a surprise from BEA when she announced she was going.  Living here on the West Coast is not financially possible for me to attend, so I was super excited to hear she picked these up for me.  I might have screamed with excitement when she said that she picked me up Bloodlines!  Thanks you sweetie and big XOXO's to you! 
So that is what I got this week.
What did everyone else get?

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Friday, May 27, 2011

But I Love Him by Amanda Grace

Author: Amanda Grace
Source: Library

Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Flux (May 8, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780738725949
ISBN-13: 978-0738725949


Tonight was so much worse than anything before it. Tonight he didn't stop after the first slap.

At the beginning of senior year, Ann was a smiling, straight-A student and track star with friends and a future. Then she met a haunted young man named Connor. Only she can heal his emotional scars; only he could make her feel so loved — and needed. Ann can't recall the pivotal moment it all changed, when she surrendered everything to be with him, but by graduation, her life has become a dangerous high wire act. Just one mistake could trigger Connor's rage, a senseless storm of cruel words and violence damaging everything — and everyone — in its path.

This evocative slideshow of flashbacks reveals a heartbreaking story of love gone terribly wrong.


As most of you already know, this book is by author Mandy Hubbard under the pen name of Amanda Grace.  If you have ever read anything by Mandy Hubbard, you know her writing is phenomenal.  Even with the pen name, you can still feel the emotional writing that this author can write so well.

I liked how the story starts with the ending.  Confused? Don't be.  Basically the author is taking that final moment in the abusive relationship and going backwards in time.  The character of Ann is beaten by her boyfriend Conner and she is trying to figure out the exact moment everything went wrong.  What Ann starts to realize though is that when a relationship involves abuse physically and emotionally, there is no certain point that it all begins.  Everything starts to blur together and become one entire event.

While I enjoyed how the author created the timeline for the book, there was one thing that bothered me about it.  We get to only see glimpses of the present day, leaving us to wonder what led up to that particular event in the minutes before it.  I wanted to know what was the thing that finally pushed Conner that far.  While I am not excusing Conner for his previous actions or glossing over the fact that he did other things just as bad.

This book goes to prove that the author can conquer the art of writing emotional issues that others are afraid to touch on in the young adult genre.  I look forward to reading more books from this author and hope that she continues to write books that are on touchy subjects but ones that need to be heard.


Very Good! I would recommend this book!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa

The Iron Fey #3
Author: Julie Kagawa
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*

Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Harlequin; Original edition (January 25, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0373210183
ISBN-13: 978-0373210183


My name is Meghan Chase.

I thought it was over. That my time with the fey, the impossible choices I had to make, the sacrifices of those I loved, was behind me. But a storm is approaching, an army of Iron fey that will drag me back, kicking and screaming. Drag me away from the banished prince who's sworn to stand by my side. Drag me into the core of conflict so powerful, I'm not sure anyone can survive it.

This time, there will be no turning back.


Just when I thought the author couldn't throw any more blows to my heart, she turns around and produces a heart wrenching and action packed read titled The Iron Queen.  Just when you though the Fae were safe for a time being, the author brings her "A Game" with and action packed book full of romance, Fae, heartbreak, and everything in between.

It was amazing to read the creativity that the author has in portraying the Fae and their Kingdoms.  I wish I had the imagination that it takes to create something as masterful as this series.  I couldn't stop reading this book even when real life wanted to interfere.  I told the family to fend for themselves and I hid in the bedroom engrossed with my book.  I was not to be disturbed until the last page was finished and burned into my brain. 

It is hard to explain what happens in this book without giving spoilers away from the previous novels in the series.  I can say that familiar faces return, love is tested, and Realms will be thrown through unlikely circumstances.  Your heart will pound with excitement, heartbreak, sorrow and happiness.

The Iron Queen is, in my opinion, the best book in the series so far!  I cried at the end like a great big and blubbering baby.  I couldn't believe the author did this to me after three books!  All I can say is she better write with lightning fast speed and bring us the next book quickly!  If you haven't had a chance to read this series, or if you haven't even heard of it before now, you need to get it in your hands fast!  Take it from me, a person who procrastinates in reading about Fae and such, you will not be disappointed in this series!  


Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My Bookshelf
For Rereading! 5 STARS


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Flesh Eaters by Joe McKinney

Author: Joe McKinney
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*

Paperback: 364 pages
Publisher: Pinnacle; 1 edition (April 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780786023608
ISBN-13: 978-0786023608


Battered by three devastating hurricanes in a row, the Texas coast is flattened. But for the people of Houston--and soon all of America--the most terrifying events are just beginning. . .They Rise. . .
Out of the flooded streets of Houston, they emerge from plague-ridden waters. Dead. Rotting. Hungry. And as human survivors scramble to their rooftops for safety, the zombie hordes circle like sharks. The ultimate killing machines.
They Feed. . .
Houston is quarantined to halt the spread of the zombie plague. Anyone trying to escape is shot on sight--living and dead. Emergency Ops sergeant Eleanor Norton has her work cut out for her. Salvaging boats and gathering explosives, Eleanor and her team struggle to maintain order. But when civilization finally breaks down, the feeding frenzy begins.
They Multiply. . .
Biting, gnawing, feasting--but always craving more--the flesheaters increase their ranks every hour. With doomsday looming, Eleanor must focus on the people she loves--her husband and daughter--and a band of other survivors adrift in zombie-infested waters. If she can't bring them into the quarantine zone, they're all dead meat.

Stand back everyone! I have found a new reason to continue reading paranormal!  Why have I procrastinated in reading books about Zombies?  As if that cover is not creepy enough, the story left me with chills along the way as well.

I realize that this is the third book in a series, but I didn't care.  I figured authors tend to recap things anyway.  So I also figured if I liked how this story evolved, then I could always go back and read the first two as well.  I have never heard of this author before, and frankly I was surprised at his writing. He does a wonderful job at his creative world, and the characters were great as well!

In this book you will find suspense in nearly every chapter, zombies that are not that hard to imagine in the future, destruction, and the gritty feel that is ever present in urban fantasy and end of the world imagination. I loved the characters and what each one of them brought to the story. If you are looking for a shocking and explosive read featuring the evil zombies of urban legends, this is the next series you need to read! 


Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My Bookshelf
For Rereading! 5 STARS


The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa

The Iron Fey #2
Author: Julie Kagawa
Source: Personal Purchase

Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Harlequin; Original edition (August 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0373210132
ISBN-13: 978-0373210138


Half Summer faery princess, half human, Meghan has never fit in anywhere. Deserted by the Winter prince she thought loved her, she is prisoner to the Winter faery queen. As war looms between Summer and Winter, Meghan knows that the real danger comes from the Iron fey—ironbound faeries that only she and her absent prince have seen. But no one believes her.

Worse, Meghan's own fey powers have been cut off. She's stuck in Faery with only her wits for help. Trusting anyone would be foolish. Trusting a seeming traitor could be deadly. But even as she grows a backbone of iron, Meghan can't help but hear the whispers of longing in her all-too-human heart.


Can I start off by asking the author how she sleeps at night knowing she is breaking the hearts of the readers??!!  After the first book, I was on the fence trying to decide if I should join Team Puck or Team Ash.  After finishing this book in the series though,  I have taken my stand as Team Ash and the author made it such a hard decision.  My heart at first wanted Team Puck.  Who wants to resist a man --or fae-- that can make you laugh even in the worst of times.  Although Puck had me laughing out loud at times,  Ash was the one who captured my heart with his love for Meghan.

In this book, we see hard to believe allies, romance that is tortured and conflicting, wars, and new characters that will capture the readers interest.  I loved the path the author took with Ironhorse in this book. I also loved meeting the Queen of Exile.  She was a blast who knew that shopping was a great emotional outlet! Grim, the cat, is also back in the second installment with his habit of hiding things but keeping you on your toes.

All I can say is that this book surpassed the previous book in action, writing and overall enjoyment.  The author definitely has grown from the first book and weaved a tale to keep me interested in the entire series.  The ending will leave you with your jaw opened and wondering what the heck is going to happen next?!  Thank goodness, I have the next book to devour just as quickly as the first two!  I now want to be trapped in one of the courts and find a Prince or a Puck of my own!


Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My Bookshelf

For Rereading! 5 STARS


Monday, May 23, 2011

Ascension by Sable Grace

A Dark Breed Novel
Author: Sable Grace
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*

Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Avon (April 26, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0061964409
ISBN-13: 978-0061964404


The gates of hell have opened, and one woman will stand in the crossfire as the Dark Breed—vampyre, demons, shape shifters—and mankind fight their last battle for survival. 

Kyana is half Vampyre, half Lychen . . . and the last of her kind. Determined, dangerous, and damned, she has no love for the mortals who have imprisoned and misused her. But when the Order of Ancients entrusts her with a mission—to find the key that will send the Dark Breed back into Hell for eternity—Kyana has no choice but to accept. 

She is furious to learn her assignment comes with an escort . . . Ryker, a demigod and fierce warrior who long ago found a way under her skin and stayed there. In a shaky alliance, they discover an ancient cult with dangerous motive and a god who seeks to destroy all others. And as Kyana begins to feel the heat that threatens to bind her to Ryker, she knows she has to resist. For it could only mean the undoing of them both . 


In Ascension, we get the mixture of Urban Fantasy, Paranormal and Greek Gods all rolled into one book!  In the debut novel by Sable Grace,  action is brought with different types of creatures and Gods mixed together.  

Unfortunately, I had a hard time enjoying this book.  With an overdose of paranormal creatures and too much story to be told, I couldn't find a foothold on the book to base any feelings for the characters on.  If there wouldn't have been so much going on with so many different creatures, I might have felt more connected to the main characters.  By the time the book started picking up and the action progressed, I had lost interest in the characters and the plot that was suppose to be interesting.  

Kyana is a kick ass heroine and can fight with the best of them, but she never really captured me in the feelings department. Ryker had more of an emotional impact than Kyana.  Being the son of Ares, he was constantly struggling with being a better soldier and being better emotionally.  It created a great angst for him, but again, I still didn't feel a connection with him.

Overall I didn't enjoy this book that much.  As a debut book, I can understand the author trying to set up the world in the first book.  Although the author goes to great extremes in this, it dragged the book down and left the reader with too much in their heads to absorb and not enough to connect with the characters.  I will give the next book in the series a try though since the setting is now set up for this world.  Maybe in the next book it won't be as bad since we already know the basis for the world in this story.  Maybe in the next book I can finally find that connection with main characters that I love to have!


I did not like this book at all! 1 STAR


Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

The Iron Fey #1
Author: Julie Kagawa
Source: Personal Purchase

Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Harlequin; Original edition (February 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0373210086
ISBN-13: 978-0373210084


Meghan Chase has a secret destiny—one she could never have imagined…

Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan's life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fit in at school…or at home.

When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar, and her prankster best friend becomes strangely protective of her, Meghan senses that everything she's known is about to change.

But she could never have guessed the truth—that she is the daughter of a mythical faery king and is a pawn in a deadly war. Now Meghan will learn just how far she'll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil no faery creature dare face…and to find love with a young prince who might rather see her dead than let her touch his icy heart.


When this series first started back in 2010, I heard the hype around it.  Everyone was raving about this series by this new author and I had no idea what they were talking about at first.  After reading countless reviews on it, I finally broke down and purchased the first book in the series. Yes, I finally caved to the peer pressure from fellow blogger's.  While I am not a huge fan of Fae and fantasy, I am a huge fan of paranormal and romance.  I saw the countless badges displayed across the blogs for Team Puck and Team Ash.  I heard about the romance and adventure, but I was still skeptical on being able to enjoy  it.

When I first started reading it,  I let my feelings for this specific sub genre surface and tried not to like it.  Yet, after just a few chapters of reading about Meghan and her sweet brother,  Puck and his witty attitude, and even the mystery of the man on the horse, I f finally was sucked  into the land of fantasy!  I absolutely adored Puck for the first part of the book.  While I wasn't a fan of how he abandoned Meghan a few times,  I still liked his humor and his carefree personality.  Meghan was a great character as well.  At first she had a hard time accepting the whimsical and out of the ordinary creatures, but she knew she had to face them if she had any chance of rescuing her younger brother from the evil that took him.

Ash was also a wonderful character in the book.  While he could come across as cold and heartless at times,  he grew on me pretty quickly.  You could guess that he was hurt in the past and he was guarding a part of himself from Meghan.  The sparks between the two were slow growing at first, but once they start to reach their destination, you could see that they were perfect for each other.

I still have the "human" part of me thinking that their are no such things as Fae and such, but now that I have read the first book in the series, I am starting to like the "mythical" part of my subconscious that is struggling to emerge now.  I personally can't wait to start the next book in the series titled, The Iron Daughter, and find out what is to come after the ending the author left me with!


Very Good! I would recommend this book! 4 STARS


Saturday, May 21, 2011

IMM: In My Mailbox (36)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren

Here is what showed up in my mailbox this week!




 Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn (2 copies)
Last Twilight by Marjorie M. Liu
The Reluctant Vampire by Lynsay Sands
Blood of the Wicked by Karina Cooper
Devil Without A Cause by Terri Garey
Lord Langley Is Back In Town by Elizabeth Boyle
The Sins of Viscount Sutherland by Samantha James
Too Wicked To Love by Debra Mullins
Guarding A Notorious Lady by Olivia Parker
The Dangerous Lord by Sabrina Jeffries
The Outlaw Viking by Sandra Hill

Thank you Harper Collins/AVON books for this wonderful and generous package of review books.  

They know I am a huge fan of Lynsay Sands and I might have squealed with joy when I saw her new one for June was included.  I am also starting to enjoy the Historical Romance genre now that they have opened my eyes to them.  I am really liking Julia Quinn.  Again Thank You!!



Changeling Moon by Dani Harper
Changeling Dream by Dani Harper
The Little Women Letters by Gabrielle Donnelly

Thank you to FSB Media and Simon & Schuster



Thank you to MacMillan Books for this wonderful surprise!  This is my first promotional review pack I have gotten.  I may get review books, but I never really gotten anything special like this.  I was so excited to open it!  It had a package of chocolate covered coffee beans included with an ARC copy of All Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin.  I haven't had a chance to grind the coffee beans yet, but I plan on having some Monday morning after the kids go to school and I can enjoy it!

So that is what I got this week.
What did everyone else get?

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Any Man of Mine by Rachel Gibson

Author: Rachel Gibson
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*

Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Avon (April 26, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0061579114
ISBN-13: 978-0061579110


What happens in Vegas . . . doesn't always stay there. 

Autumn Haven's Las Vegas "to-do" list said to catch a show and play the slots—not wake up married to a sexy jerk like Sam LeClaire. The first moment she saw him eyeing her like a luscious piece of the dessert buffet, her usually responsible self told her to run. And she did—right into the wildest fantasy weekend of her life. But Monday morning jolted her back to reality, and before she could say "pass the coffee," Sam was gone.

Now a successful wedding planner, Autumn hasn't clapped eyes on the heartbreaking hockey superstar for over two years . . . until she organizes his teammate's "Special Day," where Sam makes a big play to pick up where he left off! But she has vowed any man of hers plays for keeps. Is Sam the man for her or does she banish him to the sin bin forever?


I haven't read any books by author Rachel Gibson even though I do own many of her books.  So when the publisher sent me Any Man of Mine, I really didn't know what to expect with the writing by this author.  I was also worried since it is book six in a series, but I dove into the story anyway in hopes of not needing to read the previous books.

While it wasn't the best romance I have read, it certainly wasn't a disappoint me either.  I liked the writing style and the fun characters that the author created.  Even though Sam was a little full of himself at times and could be well deserving of a smack upside his head, I thought that Autumn handled him well enough and could feel a spark between the two.  I like how Sam slowly warmed up to the idea of taking over his role of Father to their child even if he was a little late in getting there.  Then after reading a few chapters, I noticed that the little opening at each chapter was a glimpse into what the character was suppose to learn in each of those chapters.

Even though this is book six in the Chinooks Hockey Team Series, I didn't feel lost or confused like you would normally feel when coming into a series late.  I felt it held its own as a stand alone and it captured my interest in reading more of this authors work.  Why did it take me so long to realize that I need to read more of this author?  Thank goodness I already own more of her work because now I am hooked on her writing.  Since I don't have prior reading experience of her other works, I can't say if this is better or worse than previous novels.  All I can say is that I am desperately wanting to find the time to read more of her work!


Very Good! I would recommend this book!


Distant Waves: A Novel of the Titanic

A Novel of the Titanic
Author: Suzanne Weyn
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*

Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks (May 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0545085845
ISBN-13: 978-0545085847


Science, spiritualism, history, and romance intertwine in Suzanne Weyn's newest novel. Four sisters and their mother make their way from a spiritualist town in New York to London, becoming acquainted with journalist W. T. Stead, scientist Nikola Tesla, and industrialist John Jacob Astor. When they all find themselves on the Titanic, one of Tesla's inventions dooms them...and one could save them. 


I will be honest in saying that the cover and the hint of The Titanic is what captured my interest in this book.  Before I had even read the summary, the cover sucked me into the deep story of supernatural tales weaved into the historical tale of the Titanic. 

Even with warnings of sinking of the famous ship Titanic, the sisters and mother still risk their life on sailing the seas in the hopes that someone will be watching over them.  With famous names that you read about in the history books, you will find yourself enjoying the story.  I for one loved the character of Jane and enjoyed Thad as well. For the first part of the book, the story revolves around the characters home life and spiritual readings. This is where we meet Thad and fall for him as well.  The second half of the book is about them setting sail on the Titanic and their voyage.  You can tell the author did some research for this book but at times going a little overboard on the knowledge.  This was not really a big issue for me though because I love anything and everything that involves the Titanic history.  

If you are a fan of the Titanic history but like your psychic and paranormal themed books as well, then this book would be a great read to quench your thirst of both worlds.  I loved the weaving of fiction and fact into one tale. A new author for me to keep an eye on!


Very Good! I would recommend this book! 4 STARS


The Clone Codes by Patricia McKissack

Author: Patricia McKissack
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*

Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Scholastic Press; Reprint edition (January 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780439929844
ISBN-13: 978-0439929844


In the year 2170 an underground abolitionist movement fights for the freedom of cyborgs and clones, who are treated no better than slaves.

The Cyborg Wars are over and Earth has peacefully prospered for more than one hundred years. Yet sometimes history must repeat itself until humanity learns from its mistakes. In the year 2170, despite technological and political advances, cyborgs and clones are treated no better than slaves, and an underground abolitionist movement is fighting for freedom. Thirteen-year-old Leanna's entire life is thrown into chaos when The World Federation of Nations discovers her mom is part of the radical Liberty Bell Movement.

As family secrets are revealed, Leanna must face startling truths about self-identity and freedom. Through time travel, advanced technologies, and artificial intelligence, this exhilarating adventure asks what it means to be human and explores the sacrifices an entire society will make to find out. 


This book had so much potential in being better.  I think one of the main reasons it didn't do better was the fact that it was too short for the story the author was trying to create.

In the year 2170, cyborgs and clones exist.  In the new world, they are treated like slaves and have little rights in things.  This alone was interesting to me and I was excited to read about the future world of fantasy involving clones and cyborgs.  Yet, as I was reading the book, the author never grabbed my attention with the characters.  I couldn't connect with them enough to enjoy them.  The writing was choppy in places and I felt like it couldn't decide where the story was headed. The pacing was off in some parts of the book as well.  At first it would be slow and not very interesting and then we would have action and excitement that would only last a few moments.  It didn't balance well at all.

I understand this book is geared for the younger teens, so maybe it just wasn't calling to me like it would to them.  If you have a younger teen, then they might like it better than the older teens and adults.


I did not like this book at all! 1 STAR


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Sorry for the delay posting this today!  I have been so busy today with my children getting ready to finish another school year.  So, without further delay, LET'S ANNOUNCE SOME WINNERS!!!

The winner of BIG BAD BEAST is:


The winner of FLAWLESS is:

Jessica Rabbit

Congrats to both of you!!! I have your mailing address already. 
Thanks so much for entering everyone!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

(ARC Review) Ten Things We Did by Sarah Mlynowski

(and probably shouldn't have)
Author: Sarah Mlynowski
Source: Amazon Vine
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*

Reading level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: HarperTeen (June 7, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0061701246
ISBN-13: 978-0061701245


2 girls + 3 guys + 1 house – parents = 10 things April and her friends did that they (definitely, maybe, probably) shouldn't have. 

If given the opportunity, what sixteen-year-old wouldn't jump at the chance to move in with a friend and live parent-free? Although maybe "opportunity" isn't the right word, since April had to tell her dad a tiny little untruth to make it happen (see #1: "Lied to Our Parents"). But she and her housemate Vi are totally responsible and able to take care of themselves. How they ended up "Skipping School" (#3), "Throwing a Crazy Party" (#8), "Buying a Hot Tub" (#4), and, um, "Harboring a Fugitive" (#7) at all is kind of a mystery to them. 

In this hilarious and bittersweet tale, Sarah Mlynowski mines the heart and mind of a girl on her own for the first time. To get through the year, April will have to juggle a love triangle, learn to do her own laundry, and accept that her carefully constructed world just might be falling apart . . . one thing-she-shouldn't-have-done at a time.


I was really looking forward to reading this book.  I wanted the teen angst and all the drama when you involve boys, girls, high school and no parents!  I had seen this book all over the blogging community, so I was excited for the chance to review it.  As soon as it arrived, I dove into it!

April's Dad and Stepmother announce that they are moving to Cleveland.  April has no desire to leave her school, her friends, or her boyfriend Noah.  When April and Vi come up with a plan to convince their parents to let April live with Vi and her Mom, they put the plan in motion.  When April's Dad agrees to her moving in with Vi for the last half of the school year, April is worried about lying to her Father, but she is also excited to be on her own!  Vi's Mother is on tour for her acting job, without April's Dad knowing, so April and Vi are basically left unsupervised with no adults.  What started out as a fun and crazy plan, ends up not going the way they had planned. Things go awry and have consequences, all things that began with one thing leading into another that never would have happened with supervision.

I am on the fence with my feelings on this book.  While I loved the plot, the characters and the teen angst, I wasn't a fan of the constant flashbacks and flash forwards the chapters did.  On one page you will be reading present story, then you turn the page and it is 10 minutes earlier.  Then after that flashback, we flash forward to present and back again all within a matter of pages.  It got to be a little confusing at times and not to mention a little annoying.  I would have enjoyed this so much more if there would have been less time warping and more present day action. 

The book wasn't a bad book, but I think with a little more tweaking of the timelines, it could be so much better.  With just a few of the scenes worked differently and adjusted through out the book, it could be a real hit in the teen genre. 


Okay book, but it left me wanting more!


Tyger Tyger by Kersten Hamilton

Goblin Wars #1
Author: Kersten Hamilton
Source: Contest Win

Reading level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Clarion Books; 1 edition (November 15, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0547330081
ISBN-13: 978-0547330082


Teagan Wylltson's best friend, Abby, dreams that horrifying creatures--goblins, shape-shifters, and beings of unearthly beauty but terrible cruelty--are hunting Teagan. Abby is always coming up with crazy stuff, though, so Teagan isn't worried. Her life isn't in danger. In fact, it's perfect. She's on track for a college scholarship. She has a great job. She's focused on school, work, and her future. No boys, no heartaches, no problems.

Until Finn Mac Cumhaill arrives. Finn's a bit on the unearthly beautiful side himself. He has a killer accent and a knee-weakening smile. And either he's crazy or he's been haunting Abby's dreams, because he's talking about goblins, too . . . and about being The Mac Cumhaill, born to fight all goblin-kind. Finn knows a thing or two about fighting. Which is a very good thing, because this time, Abby's right. The goblins are coming.


There was so much hype surrounding this book when it released.  I was wary of reading it because after all of the amazing things I had heard, I did not want to be disappointed in it.  When I started reading the book though, I quickly fell in love with the characters and the way the author created this world of goblins and other supernatural creatures.

While I was not a big fan of book as a whole,  there were parts of the book that I did enjoy.  I enjoyed the witty dialogue and the character of Teagan.  She felt real and I loved her friendship with Abby. Plus, what is better than a sexy guy like Finn and his amazing accent.  He was the bad boy that every girl bats their eyelashes at.  I loved the family too!  They were written wonderfully and complimented each other nicely.  Each one had their own personality and I fell in love with Teagan's younger brother, Aiden.

After Finn arrives to live with the family though, it seemed like the book got off track.  I liked the history and the idea the author had, but when she put it into words to finish the book it felt out of sync.  I can't quite put my finger on where it actually started to fall apart, but it just seemed to lose my interest and that spark that it had at the beginning.  

If you are a fan of the fantasy genre, and you like reading about it in the young adult setting, then give Tyger Tyger a chance.  You still might like it and you might actually enjoy it better than I did.


Okay book, but it left me wanting more! 3 STARS


Love Drunk Cowboy by Carolyn Brown

Author: Carolyn Brown
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*

Mass Market Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (May 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402253583
ISBN-13: 978-1402253584


Carolyn Brown's first five cowboy/country music single title mass market romances have sold over 65,000 copies All Austin Lanier wants is to sell her inherited watermelon farm, slip on her stilettos and run back to corporate America. Until the drop dead sexy cowboy next door, Rye O'Donnell, decides he'll only take the farm if he can get the fiery woman who owns it as part of the deal...


Love Drunk Cowboy is the first book in the "Spikes and Spurs" series by Carolyn Brown. It is set in present day Texas with a western theme involving Austin and Rye.  Austin inherits her Grandmother's watermelon farm but wants to sell it and return to the city life.  All it takes is one look at Rye and she thinks that farm life might be the life she has been missing. 

I actually liked this book!  I loved Rye and Austin as a couple.  They were fun, witty and easy to enjoy.  As you read about their journey, you can't help but wish for your own piece of country life just so you can have as much spark as these two! 

While at times, Austin acts as though she has forgotten her city smarts, fans of Western Romance will more than likely enjoy this new series.  If you are a fan of the author, I am sure you will want to pick up this new series as well.  Sit back, turn on the music of Watermelon Crawl by Tracy Byrd, and enjoy the fun new series by an author who brings the spark to the genre of Western Romance!


Very Good! I would recommend this book! 4 STARS
